Please Add us to your email WHITE LIST or SAFE LIST or Address Book

Just because you are receiving an email from us TODAY, without a problem or issue, it may not always be that way - unless you add the following email address to your white list.

Some ISPs, and email providers sometimes put Amber Marsh emails in your junk mail folder due to the large amount of mail that we send emails regarding Property Updates, Registration Verification, and Password Reminders etc, will sometimes not get through. (Hotmail, GMail, Yahoo, AOL & MSN are the most likely to do this, but others may as well.)

In order to ensure that you receive emails from Amber Marsh, you need to add Amber Marsh as a safe sender. This way letters from support etc will get through to you, instead of ending up in your junk folder.

We get private messages often saying that people have emailed support repeatedly but have received no reply. This is usually due to the fact that their email is filtering out the replies. We can't help you if our emails are not getting through.

There are instructions for the most common email providers in the next post.

If yours is not on the list, then have a look through the 'help' files in your email client. Most have clear instructions on how to block senders, as well as how to add them as 'safe' or as 'friends'.

You should ensure that you check your JUNK MAIL FOLDER to see if you have received any property mail updates from Amber Marsh..

Important notice to Hotmail, GMail, Yahoo, AOL & MSN users

Please Add us to your email WHITE LIST or SAFE LIST or Address Book

So, how do you add us to your white list? There are quite a few Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and email software packages available today. In time, we'll do our best to cover as many as possible. Here are a few of the most common providers. Click on the appropriate link below to obtain your specific white list instructions:

Hotmail, GMail, Yahoo, AOL & MSN

What is a White List or Safe List?

So why do I need to Amber Marsh to my email white list? What is a "white list" or "Safe List" anyway? Great questions - and ones that we'd love to explain...

Most of us who use email are unfortunately too aware of "Spam email". A simple definition of spam email would be an unsolicited commercial message (email) that is sent to multiple recipients (often thousands or millions). They're very annoying, and we're happy to see that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are doing what they can to help filter out these types of emails. Unfortunately, sometimes the good guys get filtered out with the bad. If you're interested why this happens, we've created a separate page to explain why newsletters get filtered as spam.

The solution? The white list, approved senders list, or safe senders list - there are a variety of names for it. Simply put, a white list is a group of contacts or email addresses that you want to receive email from. When you first receive an email, your service provider or email software will check this list. If the email has been sent from someone on this list, the email will be automatically delivered to your Inbox - every time! We emphasize the words "every time" because spam filters are constantly changing. So, if you are receiving our newsletter today, without issue, it may not always be that way - unless you add us to your white list.


Hotmail will place any email that it interprets as SPAM in the "Junk" folder - located in the left navigation when you login. You'll want to make sure to check this folder every so often to make sure that an email you did want to receive did not end-up there. You can insure that the Amber Marsh Email Alerts will be delivered to your Inbox by adding us as a "Safe sender". Here's how:

1. Login to your Hotmail account.
2. Click on the "Options" tab in the upper right-hand corner and then click on "More options ...".
3. We want to add Amber Marsh as a Safe Sender, so locate the "Junk e-mail" category and click on "Safe and blocked senders".
4. Click on "Safe senders"
5. In the box labeled "Sender or domain to mark as safe:", enter the following:

6. Click the "Add to list >>" button.
7. That's it! There is no "save" button - you've now insured that you'll receive emails from Amber Marsh.

Note: Hotmail uses additional protection features that will block attachments, pictures, and links in the message. Our newsletter uses a number of graphics (pictures) and often includes links to our site. To see these, simply open one of our emails and click the "Mark as safe" link at the top of the email. This will add Amber Marsh to your "safe list" and will allow all pictures and links to function in the current and future emails.

GMail (Google Mail)

GMail will place any email that it interprets as SPAM in the "Spam" folder - located in the left navigation after you login. To insure that you receive the Amber Marsh newsletter, all you need to do is add us as a contact from teh ddifferent email address that we use. Here's how:

1. Login to your GMail account.
2. Click on the "Contacts" link in the left navigation.
3. Click on the "Create Contact" link in the top middle of your screen.
4. In the "Name" field, enter the following:

Amber Marsh

5. In the "Primary Email" field enter the following: (REPEAT 1 to 6 for

6. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen. That's it! You've now told GMail that all future Amber Marsh newsletters should be delivered to your Inbox.


Yahoo Mail

If Yahoo interprets an email as SPAM, it will place it in your "Bulk" folder - located in the left navigation. It's a good idea to check this folder periodically. If you find an email in the bulk folder that you wanted to receive, simply open the email and click on the "Not Spam" button. This will help to train Yahoo's filters that this email sender is not sending SPAM. Note that this will not automatically insure that you'll receive email from the desired sender in the future. You've done your part to help in the fight against SPAM - now let's make sure that you receive the Amber Marsh newsletter. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open your Yahoo mailbox and click on the "Options" link in the upper right-hand corner)
2. Find the "Filters" link and click on it.
3. We're going to set-up a new filter, so click on "Add".
4. In the "Filter Name" box, give your filter a name that reminds you of what it's all about - you might use something like "Amber Marsh" or "Student Flats Email Alerts".
5. In the "From header" section, select "contains" and then in the box immediately to the right, enter the text:

6. Near the bottom of the filter window, find the section that says "Move the message to:" and select "Inbox" from the dropdown box.
7. In the lower left corner, click the "Add Filter" button. Voila! You've done it - you've told Yahoo that anytime it receives an email from Amber Marsh to place in it your Inbox.

AOL Version 9.0

AOL will move any email that it interprets as SPAM to the "Spam" folder - located at the left of your screen. You can insure that the Amber Marsh newsletter is consistently delivered to your Inbox by adding us to your address book. Here's how:

1. Login to your AOL email account and open your Amber Marsh email. If you were expecting an email from us and it didn't arrive, make sure you check your "Spam" folder.
2. After opening the email, click on the button called "Add Address" - located at the right of your screen.
3. You will notice that the email address "" has been auto-populated in the "Other E-Mail" field - this is fine! You don't need to fill-in any of the other fields, but you're free to do so if it helps you organize your contacts better.
4. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the Address Card window. You're done!

ALSO ADD in the same way

You can ensure that your 'Forgotten Password' email is delivered to your Inbox by adding ' to your 'People I Know' list:


Open an email from Amber Marsh
Click the Add Address button on the right side to add '' to your 'People I know' list
Repeat steps above and add ''

MSN v9.0

You can ensure that your 'Forgotten Password' email is delivered to your Inbox by adding '' to your Safe list:

Open an email from Amber Marsh
Click on Settings: E-mail|Junk E-mail - located at the bottom left of the screen.
On the e-mail settings screen, click Junk E-Mail Guard
Select Safe List
In the space provided under Add people to the safe list, enter ''
Click Add
Repeat steps above and add ''