The prices that are quoted on the web site are for the WHOLE property and are quoted as POUNDS PER WEEK.
For example if it states £300, then the rent for that WHOLE property will be £300 per week.
If it can accommodate two people then you would divide the rent by 2 so it would be £150 per week EACH.
BEWARE ! And Remember to calculate your monthly rent correctly !! £100 per week is NOT £400 per month as there are 52 weeks in a year and not 48 !
The monthly rent in the UK follows a set convention : So the MONTHLY RENT will be the Weekly price (eg £100) x 52 (number of weeks in a year) to give you the rent for the WHOLE year and then DIVIDE BY / 12 months in a year) to get a monthly price. So £100 X 52 / 12 = £433. 33 per month.
Effectively some months have four weeks in them and some have slightly more with the average being 4.33 weeks.
If you pay on a monthly basis then it is averaged out so that you pay the same each month rather than having to change it each time that the number of weeks ( days ) in a month changes.